Our expert Emergency Lean Six Sigma team are available 16 Hours 5 days a week, 250 days a year to attend to your problems. promptly and competently!....
Greetings Dr-Gemba
Our Utilities
*Standardization study
*JIT Management
*Lean and eliminating waste
* Six-Sigma and zero defects
*Fuzzy Lean Six Sigma
*Production planning and control
* Facility layout
*Forecasting of order strategy
* 7S Visual implementation
* Image Verification Strategy
* Minimize Inspection Lead Time
* Optimize NNVA activities
* Improve Logestics procedures
* Minimize metal sheet loses
* Optimize Layout
* Improve Customer and Supply chain

Master Black Belt
Zagazig University: #1300072
B.O: 44519
Thank you for your confidence in our team, and make sure that we will do our best to meet your correct desires.
Call us now on +2-01022956165 for a Price estimation
"Master Black Belt" Zagazig University and M.Sameh Ibrahim (SICC)
"Lean Six Sigma" Zagazig University and SICC
"OSHA" Zagazig University and Sarah Smith

"Fuzzy Lean Six Sigma" Zagazig University and John Richmond