Gemba I. C. O.
Lean Manufacturing
With the emergence of a business era that embraces changes as one of its major characteristics, manufacturing success and survival are becoming more and more difficult to ensure. The emphasis is on adaptability to changes in the business environment and on addressing market and customer needs proactively. Changes in the business environment due to varying needs of the customers lead to uncertainty in the decision for requirements from supplier. Flexibility is needed in the value stream map (VSM) to counter the uncertainty in the decision for
requirements from supplier. VSM adapts the changes if it is flexible and agile in nature. In this paper a model is presented, which encapsulates the market sensitiveness, process integration, information driver and flexibility measures of VSM demands from supplier and grantee customer requirements. The model was addressed validation to preventive and verification to corrective (VPVC) that is a concept within six-sigma definition. (VPVC) depends on the systematic investigation of discrepancies (failures / deviations) which must be applied in
lean six-sigma environment that adopt one piece flow layout. The model is consists of two phases, the first phase is a mathematical model explores the relationship among customer demand, quality, and service level and the leanness and agility of VSM in fast moving consumer goods. The second phase is a quality assurance process of establishing evidence that provides a high degree of preventive that a product involves acceptance of fitness for purpose with customers'. The paper concludes with the justifications of the system input, which
depends on the effect of the jerky demand of the market with high quality specification.