Gemba I. C. O.

Standardization Study
This service presented from 2002 in many factory in 10th of ramadan and 6th of October which interest in establishing 5'S.
J.I.T Management
Just In Time is a subset of the universe of discourse (LEAN) interests in reducing cycle time via reducing buffer between station, this section establish leveling and sycronization for your production lines. .
Lean and eliminate waste
This program interests in reducing 11 waste types through manufacturing processes.
This program inovate some methods to control defects in its two aspects (rework and scrap).
Theories of Metal Forming (الجامعة العمالية)
This is academic program interests in presenting knowledge about metal properties and how manufacture it with new innovative methods
C# Programming Language
This program direct specially to 1th year of industrial dept. in zagazig university (How to program)
Visual Management Auditing
In this program presents an auditing report every month for four sudden visiting from 9.30 AM to 2.30 PM

CAD - CAM course
This program direct to 3rd industrial year, training Solid Works in sections
Image Verification
This program interests in controlling NNVA activities such as inspection process and improve the monitoring operation by constructing reference time line for the sequencing steps to fix MLT. .
This program interests in providing security methods
for the Facilities techniques and working within the system of high-precision instructions and packets
Production Planning and Control
In this program formulate your production management to discuss the optimization scope for the raw material usage, productivity, labor utilization, forecasting demand and profitability .
Supply Chain Management
In this program presents some of inivative solution about VSM, MRP, inventory and logestics.
7S Visual Implementation
In this program train the stakeholders on implement 7S and time management in 6 hrs.