Gemba I. C. O.
About our Vision
Industry in developing countries suffers from a major crisis which is the competition at international markets. In 2012, the World Bank report has revealed a drop in Egypt’s economic rank to 165 of the 175 states, which is unprecedented tumbling rank of all Arab countries, and the report shows that Egypt is repellent to investment due to the corruption in the administration and supervision and raising the costs of production. The product loses its value in markets, because of delays and the failure to meet customers’ demands on time and/or the low level of quality. These are the most problems that face the production lines. The first problem is resulted from some of the production’s waste types which are unspecified in their definitions, the dominant factor of these waste types is a time that consumes in setups, maintenance operations, tool changing and/or inspection processes (all these so-called the machine downtime), which considers a Necessary Non-Value Add (NNVA) time and leads to wrong decision-making in the wrong time. The NNVA has uncertain behavior due to the human interference, and is occurred periodically. Therefore, this work predicts the machine down-time and reduces its time to achieve the continuity of the workflow. The second problem is resulted from a lack in system calibration for the machines. The Lean philosophy adopted the reduction of the complete cycle time and its causes which decrease the productivity, and the six-sigma methodology is used to reducing the variation that decrease the quality of the output. To speed productivity, minimize the output’s variation, raise labor’s utilization and improve “5’S” stages. This work proposes a Defect and Time Control (DTC) algorithm which is a section of Fuzzy Lean and Six Sigma (FLSS) model that depends on analyzing, evaluating and controlling the waste of defects and time aspects in work flow. The fuzzy intervenes in case of uncertain data inputs or in the tie case to choose the most favorable result, taking into account some of uncertain variables.